Times are tough. No one knows what the future holds. What we can do though is look at current sentiments and trends and make our assumptions. The current trends that we see across different industries are evaluated in this article. 


Corona Virus has made it difficult for people to work in close quarters. This could be temporary, but everyone will be a bit worried till a vaccine is produced. This could take another 6 to 9 months. 


During this time, companies will seek to look for various ways to use automation in addition to remote workforce. Automation can be applied using different technologies.  One trend is that there will be jobs around 

  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation, Business process optimization 


Another trend will be remote working efficiency. Anything that can be done remotely, needs data and applications to be accessed from home offices. With this we know that the following jobs will be plentiful 


  • Cloud Technology Application developers, Software developers, etc. 


Companies will get used to people working remotely. This will open up a lot of opportunities for people who cannot relocate. This means that you will be able to apply for jobs outside of your city. 


  • For example, within your city, you might have 50 jobs related to you. But outside of your city, you might have 500 jobs to go after. 


Teachers who can work remotely will be a must have for schools. Public schools will be hiring several teachers because several .  parents cannot afford to send their kids to private schools anymore. The enrolment in public schools will thrive so there will be an increased demand for teachers. 


  • Teachers who are extremely comfortable with video creations will have an edge. 


Architecture – Lots of companies are talking about redesigning their space. 


  • Architects and Designers will thrive. 


Plenty of jobs will be available with online retailers, grocery stores, home delivery services 


Mobile grooming will take off in the next few months. If beauticians can build trust with their clientele, they will do extremely well at this time. 


Marketing jobs will increase. Salespeople might not be able to travel much.  Marketing will have to do more outreach. 


Writers, bloggers will thrive because of the above. 


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